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livestock market, Otavalo, 7am livestock market, Otavalo livestock market, Otavalo Otavalo
Otavalo Shopping in Otavalo Shopping in Otavalo Cotopaxi, 5897m
On the way up, Cotopaxi view from about 4800m the lower end of the glacier at 5000m ... ... but despite a light headache and the lack of oxygen, everyone was fine.
Going back down
After climbing up and down, we cycled down from 4500m to 3000m. That took no more than 20 minutes. Meanwhile, Cotopaxi was covered in clouds again. Chimborazo, Ecuador's highest volcano with 6267m Cotopaxi again, this time cloudfree
small canyon on the side of the road to Quilotoa Laguna Quilotoa Laguna Quilotoa, ca. 6km diameter and 400m difference in altitude from the crater rim the lake (3600m) Laguna Quilotoa
Laguna Quilotoa Laguna Quilotoa Laguna Quilotoa


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