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Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz Giant tortoise, Santa Cruz Pelican, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Ecuavolley after work, Puerto Ayora
yellow warbler, Fernandina young sea lion, Fernandina Crab eats crab Crab and crab make more crabs
Sea lions, wet and dry Cactus on lava and a sea lion below. It's all a bit different on the Galapagos islands Sea lion marking his territory. Wildlife watching from the dinghi
Great food for dinner each night A pile of iguanas Marine iguana Our guide Fausto and a sea lion not particularly interested in us.
Reading the sea lion's mind would have been interesting. small iguana baby sea lion baby sea lion
one of Darwin's finches young albatross Albatross egg
Flirting albatrosses Albatross taking off Albatross Blowhole, Española
Nazca boobie Blue-footed boobie
breaded sea lion young sea lion sea lions, real ones and wannabes Lazy day on the beach
Lazy day on the beach


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