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Lava in Sullivan Bay, James Lava field in Sullivan Bay, James Lava field in Sullivan Bay, James Lava field in Sullivan Bay, James
Sullivan Bay, James the most popular location for photos, Bartholomew
Pinnacle Rock, Bartholomew the group on top of Bartholomew Galapagos Hawk Find the mistake!
No, not a sea lion, but a fur seal! Frigate birds Crabs all over ...
Boobies diving for food Booby diving for food, just before hitting the surface Puerto Egas the schedule for the day
stranded starfish Pelican trying to hunt like boobies, definitely less elegant.
the crew of the Samba sea lion, Rabida
This sea lion didn't want to withdraw, only a back rub could keep him quiet. Samba, our home for one week
frigate bird without ... ... and with inflated pouch. young blue-footed booby
A blue-footed booby wants to feed his chick, the heron gets ready to steal the food and the frigate birds circling above didn't even fit in the picture.


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