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on the equator, or at least close Hint: small, hairy animal, used as pet in the Western world and a delicacy in Ecuador.
Mitad del Mundo, allegedly on the equator, but actually a few hundred meters off.
view from the top station of the TeleferiQo on 4000m view from the top station of the TeleferiQo on 4000m Rucu and Guagua Pichincha in the background, the latter being an active volcano
Quito and the Cayambe (5796m) changing of the guards at the presidential palace changing of the guards at the presidential palace
changing of the guards at the presidential palace Even President Rafael Correa came in person to meet us Quito Old Town El Panecillo
Antje having a coca tea You don't even wanna know Ecuadorian security regulations in detail ...


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