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There are people actually living in this lifeless area There's at least a 100m green every 100km
hot springs - we couldn't find out what's in the background, the assumption was a salt storm relaxing, especially after two days of cold, wind and high altitude Destroying the pool ;-)
Laguna Verde with wind insane three shadows and geysirs ... ... nice to look at, but bloody cold, windy and on 5000m with low oxygen
People go crazy in the altitude ;-) boiling mud pot Laguna Colorada
Laguna Colorada Flamingos don't seem to care about the rough climate Flamingos in Laguna Colorada Flamingos in Laguna Colorada
Flamingos in Laguna Colorada Laguna Colorada Rock in desert with mountain, seems to be a tourist attraction ... ... but nice to look at
even more flamingos


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