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Volcan Villarica, an active volcano Climbing Volcan Villarica, 6am Sunrise with a view We started on 1400m with little snow and finished on 2800m with snow year-round
It was pretty steep
Finally on top after five hours We couldn't see any melted lava in the crater, but had at least some sulphurous smell. some years before, you could still see lava fountains here -->
view from the summit The best part of the trip was sliding down the volcano on our butts. Looked scary in the beginning but was great fun in the end. As we were the first on the top, we could see all other people walking up when we were happily sliding down Whitewater Rafting
Whitewater Rafting Whitewater Rafting Whitewater Rafting
Ojos del Caburgua Ojos del Caburgua Ojos del Caburgua Lago Caburgua
Los Pozones - hot springs hot springs (ca. 40 degrees) and cold beer (< 40 degrees)


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