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Rock Islands, Palau Rock Islands, Palau every morning we took the boat to the outer reef for the best dive spots sufficient power
"scattered showers" this is called, I guess Rock Islands, Palau view from our hotel room (promising too much)
it's a small place, but they do have a Supreme Court Red Rooster, the local brew
surface break on one of the many beautiful islands surface break on one of the many beautiful islands surface break on one of the many beautiful islands
surface break on one of the many beautiful islands it could be worse ... surface break on one of the many beautiful islands surface break on one of the many beautiful islands
surface break on one of the many beautiful islands decrompression beer @Drop Off Bar ready for going down
sunset in Koror
Kayaking at Rock Islands Kayaking at Rock Islands Kayaking at Rock Islands Kayaking at Rock Islands
Kayaking at Rock Islands Kayaking at Rock Islands


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